Nye County Property Tax Inquiry
Helpful Hints
The best way to search is to enter your Parcel Number (8 digits) from your tax bill into the Parcel Number field.
If you have this number, no further information needs to be entered. EITHER enter the parcel number only or leave the field blank and enter alternate search criteria.
For more accurate query results, do not enter the suffix, such as street, road, etc.
Non-US residents will need to set their state to NV and use zip code 89060 for successful credit/debit card payments.
Treasurer's Office Contact Information
Tonopah Office
101 Radar Rd
P.O. Box 473
Tonopah, NV 89049-0473
Phone: 775 482-8147 Fax: 775 482-8193
101 Radar Rd
P.O. Box 473
Tonopah, NV 89049-0473
Phone: 775 482-8147 Fax: 775 482-8193
Pahrump Office
170 N. Floyd Dr Ste 2
Pahrump, NV 89060-0105
Phone: 775 751-4200 Fax: 775 751-4204
170 N. Floyd Dr Ste 2
Pahrump, NV 89060-0105
Phone: 775 751-4200 Fax: 775 751-4204